Saturday, July 26, 2008

Federal Escape Olympic Race Report

Up at 4 a.m. got into the pre-loaded van and headed for Federal Way. Breakfast consisted of two poptarts, coffee and a bananna. Breakfast of champions

5:30 transition opened and I was the first in line. First come first served racking which was great. I got an end rack right next to bike out after having EVERY race this year putting me by the swim in. I can run in my wetsuit but I have a hell of a time running efficiently with the bike.

6:00 met up with Judith, Melissa, Scott, Heather and Kristen, walked down to the swim, jogged a quick warm up and then got into the wetsuit and down to the swim start by 7:15

SWIM: 32:48
The swim went well for me as I improved my time from my first Oly by almost 6 min. Of course having a wetsuit helped. Having a wetsuit that is too big for me was not so good. I bought my suit about 10-15 pounds ago and I am happy to report that I am a women's medium instead of large. Swimming in the large is getting pretty unbearable. I feel like my arems and legs are filling with water and I am being weighted down. I felt pretty exhausted coming out of the swim because of this. The water at 5 mile lake is nice but visibility is zero and doing a two loop swim was strange.

T1: 1:30 Uneventful.

BIKE: 1:17:28. I felt great on the bike. This course is not hilly but rolling and we did a total of 4 loops at 5.83 miles each. I got slowed a bit by some traffic on the 3rd and 4th loop but overall I passed a fair amount of both men and women and was not passed by too many. Held back a bit and spun towards the end to save my legs for the run. I walked the aid stations at the last Oly I did and I was determined to RUN the whole 6.2 miles. Nutrition 16 oz. water/ 1 bottle gatorade and carbopro 370 colories

T2: 52.9 Pretty fast!

RUN: 54:19 For once the run felt great. I kept my heart rate in check on the first loop (3.1 miles) The run was NOT flat and I really had to focus. I kept 3 small fuel belt bottles with me filled with carbo pro and that really helped. I pushed it on the second lap and finished strong.

I beat my last Oly time by 21 min. which I am so proud of.

Total Time 2:47

OA (men and women) 99/353
OA (just women) 41/193

Age Group!!!!!! 7th (out of 40)

I took a quick shower at the park, met the kids and husband at the Microsoft picnic and ate so much I am embarassed.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME job Rachel!! What an incredible PR - and top 10 in your AG! Sweeet!

RawTriGirl said...

You ROCKED it sister! Way to go. I'm so happy to have spent the morning with you! I had a blast. :)

trimum said...

86Way to go girlie!!!!! SO proud of you! Just think how fast your swim will be when you aren't draggin all that extra water filled rubber around! (you are buying a new wetsuit, right?)

trimum said...

sorry...that's Sharon posting under "Trimum" ; )

Angela said...

Hi rachel, found your blog! mine is

BTW what's your email address? I want to do my first olympic and have some questions. Angela