Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Drugs are good!!

Monday was my day off so no training to report. My cough seemed to get progressively worse on Monday and last night I had trouble lying down in bed. I was wheezing a lot and feeling a bit panicked. This morning I woke up feeling even cruddier with a dull ache in my chest. I got to the pool at 6 and got in my usual lane for my triathlon speed class. I was not speedy. I usually lead this lane as I am the fastest among the 3 other women but today I was last. I could not catch my breath. About 45 min. into the class my swim teacher told me I was done....I knew I was going to the doctor so of course I chose to then run 8 miles first in case the doctor told me I had to stop exercising :)

Went to immediate care to find out I have a case of crazy bad ass bronchitis. So now in addition to my vitamins I get to take antibiotics for 5 days as well as use an inhaler.

At least I should be over it soon.

Tomorrow morning I have a 2 hour hill ride scheduled. I will lower the intensity a bit so my lungs don't kill me but it should be a nice ride.

Parents are here to save my training as husband left today for 2 weeks in Australia. Poor baby

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